Tomato and Red Lentil Soup with Parsnip for 4

Scaled to serve 10

Can be made with two celery sticks and no chilli powder instead of parsnip. Was Jonny's contribution to the christmas meal.

2.5 tbsp of olive oilheatcook on low heat 7-8 minscook 3 minscool 1 minbring to boilcover and simmer 25-30 minsblend
2.5 onionroughly chopped
562.5 g of parsniproughly chopped
2.5 carrotpeeled and roughly chopped
2.5 clove of garliccrushed
2.5 tsp of ground cumin
1.9 tsp of ground coriander
0.6 tsp of chilli powder
437.5 g of split red lentils
3.0 l of vegetable stock
1000.0 g of chopped tomatoes
5.0 tsp of tomato purée
2.5 bay leaf