Baked Beans with Soda Bread Toast for 6

Scaled to serve 2

Taken from Requires a boss pot. 1 portion is most definitely enough for 1 person.

133.3 g of dried haricot beanssoak overnightdraincover in waterbring to boildraincover in watersimmer one hourdraincook on low 1.5-2hours until sauce thickseasonbury
66.7 g of uncut smoked streaky baconfrycook until onion softbring to boil
25.0 ml of rapesead oil
66.7 g of onion
0.7 cloves of garlic
0.7 tins of chopped tomatoes
0.7 tbsp of tomato purée
50.0 g of soft dark brown sugar
66.7 ml of red wine vinegar
166.7 ml of water
0.3 salt
0.3 pepper
6.0 slices soda bread