Egg Fried Rice for 2

Scaled to serve 3

1.5 tsp of groundnut oil for onionheat in wok until very hotbrownget smoking hotstir fry for 30secsspread outpour instir frystir in
1.5 small onionfinely chopped
1.5 tsp of groundnut oil for rice
25cm panwarm over med heataddaddstir onceturn heat to lowestcover and leave untouched for 15minsremove from heat and cover with tea-towel for 5-10minstransfer to bowl and fluff with forkleave until cold
150.0 g of basmati rice
337.5 ml of waterboil
0.8 tsp of salt
3.0 large eggsbeaten
1.5 spring onionsplit lengthways and finely chop
3.0 tsp of soy sauce