
Makes about 10 rotis. Much easier than it looks and really tasty. If you roll them evenly, they puff up like a pillow when over the open flame.

gheespread half tsp over with sprinkle of salt and cover to keep warm
preheat dry heavy frying pan medium highheat until bubbles formflip and heat until brown spots cover surfaceturn gas hob to medium lowplace first side down on hob over open flame until hopefully puffs upflip every few secs until brown spots all over
boiling watermix with spoon or spatula at firstmix in water with hands until comes togetherkneed with moist hands to add more moistureonce smooth doesn't crack and finger leaves indent cover with wet towel for 20minsdivide into smooth balls 35 to 37g and flatten slightlyflour ballsworking one at a time role out into 15cm circles
1.0 tbsp of vegetable oildrizzle over
225.0 g of chapati flourmix
0.5 tsp of salt