Slow Cooker Bean Chilli for 2

Scaled to serve 5

Ridiculously good and pretty low effort. Scaled for two 6-7 hours is pretty much enough. Probably needs longer for larger quantities...

2.5 onionthinly slicedfry for 5 min until softenedfry for one more minslow cook on low for 6-10 hours
2.5 tbsp of oil
5.0 cloves of garliccrushed
2.5 tsp of hot smoked paprika
2.5 tsp of ground cumin
2.5 tsp of ground coriander
0.6 tsp of ground cinnamon
2.5 vegetable stock cubedissolve
375.0 ml of boiling water
2.5 can of chopped tomatoes
2.5 can of kidney beansrinsed and drained
2.5 tsp of dried oregano