Cola Syrup

A really nice, quite floral cola. Dilute with cold sparkling water like a cordial. Make sure all ingredients are food grade and all oils are pure. Kola nut extract is sold as a tincture. The caramel is commonly sold as brewer's caramel. The concentrate can be stored in a cool dark place for extended periods, as can syrup. Each batch of syrup is about 1.8l and makes about 14l cola. Concentrate makes about 90l total. You might want to open the door while mixing the oils. They're potent. Also, be careful handling ingredients. Some are irritants and others stain. Micro-pipettes make measuring much easier. Adapted slightly from this recipe

20.0 g of gum arabicmix in high-sided glassadd oil slowly and mix vigorously with whisk in drill or powered balloon whisk approx 20minsmix to form concentratemix 32ml of concentrate into the syrup
40.0 ml of water for emulsion
7.5 ml of orange oilmix in small glass
7.5 ml of lime oil
2.0 ml of lemon oil
0.8 ml of cassia oil
1.5 ml of nutmeg oil
0.5 ml of coriander oil
0.4 ml of lavender oil
0.5 ml of neroli oil
70.0 ml of citric acidmix until clearmix acid into caramelmix
100.0 ml of water for concentrate
200.0 ml of double strength caramel colouring
22.0 ml of vanilla extract
4.0 ml of kola extract
800.0 ml of water for syrupsimmerdisolve gentlycool to room temp
1.4 kg of sugar