Minestrone Soup for 7

Minestrone soup is a generic catch-all name for soups with a shit load of shit in them. This is the version Jonathan makes. Takes a bit of effort but is prettey tasty and substantial.

2.0 tsp of olive oilheatfry gently 5-10 mins until bacon crispbring to boil stirring constantlysimmer 20 minssimmer 10 minssprinkle
100.0 g of bacon
1.0 green peppercore, seed and chop finely
1.0 large onionfinely chop
1.0 clove of garlic
3.0 celery stalks
1.0 can of chopped tomatoes
2.0 medium carrotsfinely chopped
2.0 courgettesfinely chop
1.0 tbsp of tomato puree
1.0 pepper
100.0 g of pasta bows
1.5 l of chicken stock
1.0 tsp of sugar
1.0 tsp of dried basil or oregano
1.0 can of red kidney beansdrain and rinse
1.0 parmesan