Crispy Sweet and Sour Pork for 4

Scaled to serve 9

Takes a while to prep and make but worth it

4.5 tbsp of cornflour for saucemixcook well until blended
135.0 ml of cold water
510.8 g of canned pineapple chunks with juicemix in and bring back to boil
528.8 ml of waterbring to boil
0.6 tsp of salt for sauce
337.5 g of sugar for sauce
180.0 ml of apple cider vinegar
135.0 ml of tomato ketchup
1.1 tsp of soy sauce for sauce
2.2 tbsp of vegetable oil for vegstir-fry over med heat until tenderset asside
6.8 sticks celerycut into 1cm slices
2.2 medium green peppercut into 2cm squares
2.2 medium onioncut into wedges
4.5 cloves of garlic for vegfinely chopped
1.1 tsp of salt for veg
1.1 tsp of sugar for veg
2.2 l of vegetable oil for fryingheat to 185degC in heavy saucepandeep-fry approx 10mins until evenly browndrain on paper towels
292.5 g of cornflour for porkcoat pork
1012.5 g of lean porkcut into 1 inch cubesmix and refridgerate for 1hour
2.2 tsp of salt
0.6 tsp of sugar
2.2 tsp of soy sauce
2.2 egg white
4.5 onions for marinadefinely chopped
2.2 clove of garlic for marinadefinely chopped