Tomato and Red Lentil Soup with Parsnip for 4

Scaled to serve 9

Can be made with two celery sticks and no chilli powder instead of parsnip. Was Jonny's contribution to the christmas meal.

2.2 tbsp of olive oilheatcook on low heat 7-8 minscook 3 minscool 1 minbring to boilcover and simmer 25-30 minsblend
2.2 onionroughly chopped
506.2 g of parsniproughly chopped
2.2 carrotpeeled and roughly chopped
2.2 clove of garliccrushed
2.2 tsp of ground cumin
1.7 tsp of ground coriander
0.6 tsp of chilli powder
393.8 g of split red lentils
2.7 l of vegetable stock
900.0 g of chopped tomatoes
4.5 tsp of tomato purée
2.2 bay leaf